Getting Betty home

12 August 2022

*name changed

When Betty became unwell, her mobility was impacted. Her shower was located over a high-sided bath and she was unable to access it. Because she was keen to stay in her own home, Betty worked with her Trust Officer and her support network to explore options to make her home more accessible.

One of her support network members was an occupational therapist who provided recommendations for modifications to Betty’s bathroom.

A quote for the changes was more than $17,000, which was much more than Betty could afford. The matter was referred to the Customer Property team and they worked quickly to arrange a meeting at the house with Betty and her occupational therapist. The scope of works was modified by agreement, and Betty was delighted to be able to choose her own finishes.

The Customer Property team sourced quotes to secure a contractor who could do the work at a price Betty could afford, and to ensure the modifications were carried out as soon as possible and to the highest standard.

The final cost of modifying Betty’s bathroom was just over $9,000. Betty was delighted to move back into her home and be able to use her bathroom.

Last published: 2/04/2024 4:47:51 AM