Before starting your search, please read and accept the terms and conditions below. If you have not already read our search tips, we recommend you read the search tips before starting your search. This will help to achieve the best results.
If your search is successful, find out how you can claim the money owing to you. You should make a note of the reference number in the search result for inclusion on your claim form.
Terms and conditions
The unclaimed money information displayed on this web site is the property of the Public Trustee of Queensland*.
Database access is provided for the sole purpose of assisting the owners of unclaimed money lodged with the Public Trustee of Queensland to locate their funds and make a claim for the return of those funds.
By accessing this information, the user agrees they will not:
- use this data for any purpose other than its intended use
- create copies of, publish or allow others to access the information without first having obtained the Public Trustee of Queensland's permission in writing (which may be refused in the absolute discretion of the Public Trustee of Queensland)
- knowingly contravene the provisions of any privacy legislation governing the use of information.
*Please note that we call ourselves Queensland Public Trustee to cover our whole organisation and all its work, however our formal legal name is Public Trustee of Queensland under the Public Trustee Act 1978 which we have used here in these terms and conditions.