If your search was successful and you have found money owing to you, you can use the claim form and steps below to claim your money.
Five steps to claiming unclaimed money after a successful search of our website
- Note the reference number from the search result for money that is owed to you.
- Complete the form below.
- Collect supporting documents referencing the table below to make sure you have all the correct identification and supporting documentation for your claim.
- Take your completed form and documentation to a registered Justice of the Peace to sign and witness.
- Post the claim form, certified identification and documents to:
Unclaimed Money
Queensland Public Trustee
GPO Box 1449
Brisbane QLD 4001
We aim to process claims up to 28 days from receipt of all required supporting documents. If your application is incomplete or has the incorrect supporting documentation, we will send you an email with notes on what we require from you to continue your claim. Please review the identification and supporting documents table on this page before sending your form to us.
If you have any questions, contact us on (07) 35642454 at [email protected].
Identification and supporting documents
Personal |
Deceased estate |
Company |