Fees and charges for trust administration

Our trust administration fees and charges are divided into four main parts:

  1. Trust administration
  2. Asset management
  3. Incidental outlays
  4. Additional services (if required)

Trust administration fees are calculated over the financial year (1 July to 30 June) and are charged monthly.

Trust administration (service level fee)

This is the general trust administration service. It is based on how many financial transactions we make or receive on behalf of the trust over the year.

As this fee is charged monthly, the fee may be adjusted from month to month to ensure the total fee paid for the year is based on the total number of financial transactions for the year.

Number of financial transactions per year Level of service Yearly fee (including GST)
0 to 1 1 $444.80
2 to 5 2 $584.10
6 to 10 3 $733.60
11 to 20 4 $956.20
21 to 30 5 $1,278.95
31 to 40 6 $1,599.05
41 to 50 7 $1,906.10
51 or more 8 $2,224.95

Trusts created under a Will with a life interest or limited interest asset are a unique kind of trust and our service level fee is different to the fee amounts above.

Number of financial transactions per year Level of service Yearly fee (including GST)
0 1 $0
1 to 6 2 $60.90
7 to 10 3 $398.00
11 to 15 4 $805.35
16 to 20 5 $1,609.45
21 to 30 6 $2,412.35
31 to 50 7 $3,618.60
51 or more 8 $4,822.25

Asset management

This service applies to all types of trusts and is for the management of assets such as:

  • Shares
  • Managed funds
  • Term deposits

Assets that are not included in this service include:

  • Real estate property (see separate fee below)
  • Personal and household items
  • Motor vehicles
  • Personal jewellery

Our asset management fees are based on the total value of the trust’s assessable assets. These fees are based on the value of the assessable assets.

Total value of assets Level of service Yearly fee (including GST)
$0 to $5,000 Level 1 $0
$5,001 to $10,000 Level 2 $200.10
$10,001 to $30,000 Level 3 $299.15
$30,001 to $50,000 Level 4 $604.85
$50,001 to $100,000 Level 5 $805.35
$100,001 to $200,000 Level 6 $1,306.25
$200,001 to $300,000 Level 7 $2,007.65
$300,001 to $500,000 Level 8 $2,814.45
$500,001 to $750,000 Level 9 $4,019.45
$750,001 to $1,000,000 Level 10 $6,028.65
$1,000,001 to $1,500,00 Level 11 $7,837.50
$1,500,001 to $2,000,000 Level 12 $9,745.10
$2,000,001 to $2,500,000 Level 13 $11,754.30
$2,500,001 or more Level 14 $13,667.20

Real estate property (realty) management

In addition to general asset management, we also manage the work required to upkeep any real estate property owned by the Trust. This includes scheduling building inspections and maintenance.

The fee for this service is $996.55 per property per year.

Separate fees are charged by the third-parties who do the work. For example, a fee charged by a plumber for fixing a leaking tap, or the fee to conduct a building and pest inspection.

Incidental outlays

When providing services we often incur outlays to run and maintain our systems as well as photocopying, postage and phone call costs. We recoup the cost by charging an amount based on the type of service and the number of transactions required to provide the service.

Number of transactions per year Cost (including GST)
Up to 55 $31
56 to 70 $57
71 to 90 $80
91 to 110 $102
111 to 130 $118
131 to 150 $132
151 to 170 $142
171 to 195 $156
196 to 220 $174
221 or more $193

As with the trust administration service level fee, trusts created under a Will with a life interest or limited interest asset are a unique kind of trust and our incidental outlays cost is different to the amounts above.

Number of transactions per year Cost (including GST)
Up to 100 $31
101 to 120 $57
121 to 140 $80
141 to 160 $102
161 to 180 $118
181 to 200 $142
201 to 225 $156
226 to 250 $174
250 or more $193

Additional services (if required)

To provide our customers with a complete service, we may need to provide more than our standard services.

This includes services such as: buying or selling a property or vehicle; or taking necessary action to deal with or preserve a client’s interest in a trust, corporation, business or partnership.

The fee for additional services is calculated at an hourly rate of $267.85 (including GST). We will contact you before we perform an additional service.

Community Service Obligation rebate

If our customers cannot afford our service fees, we will rebate some or all of the fees. We call this our Community Service Obligation. Call us on 1300 360 044 or contact us online to learn more about our Community Service Obligation rebate.

Real estate property (realty) management

This fee is rebated for properties that are the principal place of residence (main home) of:

  • a beneficiary under the trust, or
  • a person who is entitled to a life or limited interest under the trust.

General trusts administration

The total fees will never cost more than 5% of the value of the trust’s assessable assets.

Administration for trusts created under a Will

The total fees will never cost more than 5% of the value of the trust’s assessable assets.

Minors trusts administration

The total fees are based on the value of the trust’s assets. Where the value is $50,000 or less, the total fee is listed in the table below.

Level  Lower Limit  Upper Limit  Charge% (Maximum Charged as a %
of asset under management)
Level 1 - 55,000.00 0.20%
Level 2 55,000.01 ​65,000.00 0.30%
Level 3 65,000.01 75,000.00 0.40%
Level 4 75,000.01 85,000.00 0.50%
Level 5 85,000.01​ 100,000.00​ 0.60%
Level 6 100,000.01 110,000.00 0.70%
Level 7 110,000.01 130,000.00 0.75%
Level 8 130,000.01​ 140,000.00​ 0.80%
Level 9 ​140,000.01 160,000.00 0.85%
Level 10 160,000.01 190,000.00 0.90%
Level 11 190,000.01 240,000.00 ​0.95%
Level 12 240,000.01 310,000.00 1.00%
Level 13 Any amount greater than 310,000.00 ​2.00%

More information

All fees and charges shown are from the Public Trustee (Fees And Charges Notice) (No.1) 2021 - effective 1 July 2021 (PDF, 217 KB).

Last published: 30/05/2024 1:37:34 AM