Who is the Public Trustee?

The Public Trustee is a socially and fiscally responsive Statutory Authority that helps to make decisions that enhance the dignity, rights and interests of Queenslanders.

The Public Trustee provides a free will-making service for all Queenslanders, in fact we are the largest maker of Wills in the Southern Hemisphere and have provided over $38.4M in Community Services in the 2019-2020 financial year, as part of our endeavour to serve the Queensland community.

Our Social Responsibility Charter released in 2020 outlines our commitment to the people of Queensland. Some of the guiding principles in our Charter include:

Customers First: We are responsive and treat our customers with respect whilst making a positive difference to the lives of Queenslanders. Our customers are at the centre of all we do.

Leadership: We value diversity and our employees are safe and respected. We are focused on continuous improvement.

Integrity: We are open and transparent, ensure good corporate governance and we act ethically at all times.

Financially Responsible: We are efficient and financially responsible, only charging customers for the services they require. Our fees and charges are transparent.

Care for the Community: We are inclusive with our customers and their support network and we contribute to our communities through our work.

Engagement: We engage meaningfully with the community to improve quality of life for Queenslanders.

Combined with our Strategic Plan, the Social Responsibility Charter delivers on our vision to provide security and peace of mind for Queenslanders and to provide respected, valuable services for the Queensland community into the future.

In addition to our free will-making service, we also offer to make Queenslander’s enduring powers of attorney. We provide deceased estate management including the auction and sale of property and hold unclaimed money for Queenslanders in circumstances where an organisation has lost touch with the owner of the funds.

We also help some of Queensland’s most vulnerable and are often appointed as financial administrator for people who have impaired capacity and no one else to help them manage their money.

We can also help to manage investments and trusts for beneficiaries who are either minors, or have a disability and are Trustee for many trusted philanthropic trusts and organisations, such as Queensland Gives and the Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Foundation.

As a self-funded organisation, this means we receive no government funding, and while we are able to offer free will-making services, we charge reasonable and transparent fees and charges for all other services.

We have over 600 public service professionals working with the Queensland community across a number of locations around the state.

 Reporting to the Queensland Parliament through the State’s Attorney-General, we have been serving Queenslanders since 1916 and will continue to do so as best as we possibly can.

Samay Zhouand - Public Trustee of Queensland and CEO

Photo of Samay Zhouand

Samay Zhouand is the Public Trustee of Queensland and CEO.

He holds a Bachelor of Laws, a Bachelor of Arts, an MBA, and several postgraduate qualifications.

He is a Director on the Board of the Australian Guardianship and Administration Council and a graduate and member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

With over two decades of experience in the Queensland Government, he has operated as the longest-serving Chief Inspector of Corrective Services, held senior legal positions, and worked as a senior lawyer for Crown Law.

Admitted as a Barrister-at-Law in 2002, Samay was appointed Acting Public Trustee of Queensland and CEO in 2019, assuming the role in 2021.

He has led the transformation of the Queensland Public Trustee into a ‘Customers First’ organisation, prioritising human-focused support for vulnerable Queenslanders.

As Public Trustee of Queensland, Samay Zhouand has spearheaded sector-leading reforms, including a reduction in fees, the establishment of a Customer Advocate Office- a first for the sector, implementation of the La Trobe University supported decision-making framework - to get better outcomes for PTQ customers, and development of a Financial Independence Pathway – which aims to help customers gain greater or complete financial independence.

Last published: 1/07/2024 9:11:48 PM